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Stall and Tack room selection

Animal Shelter without Tack Room

Actual photos will be used when available

One Stall without Tack Room

One Stall

2 Stall No Tack

Two Stall

Three Stall

Four Stall

Standard Animal Shelter opening is 8ft wide. Openings may be customized from 4ft up to 8ft in width.

All Stalls will include 1 1/4" pressure treated Kick Boards approximately 4ft high spaced 1 1/2" apart.

All Stalls include Kickboard divider between stalls from wall to wall

All Stalls require minimum 1ft clearance of all other features (wall end, window, tack room, additional stall opening)

Animal Shelter with Tack Room

Actual photos will be used when available


One Stall/Tack Room


Two Stall/Tack Room


Three Stall/Tack Room

Four Stall/Tack Room

Standard Animal Shelter opening is 8ft wide. Openings may be customized from 4ft up to 8ft in width.

All Stalls will include 1 1/4" pressure treated Kick Boards approximately 4ft high spaced 1 1/2" apart.

All Stalls include Kickboard divider between stalls from wall to wall

All Stalls require minimum 1ft clearance of all other features (wall end, window, tack room, additional stall opening)

Standard Tack Room is 4ft with a 3ft single barn door. Minimum Tack Room size is 4ft.